75, 1 Main, Thyagaraja Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560028
+91 792-545-2949
Mon - Fri: 6:30am - 07:45pm
Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the simplest things we can do to improve our health.
Sleep affects our body’s ability to recover and repair, our immune system, mood, memory, communication skills, safety, and our performance at work, study and sports. Sleep deprivation is also associated with obesity, diabetes and heart disease. (1)
Yet getting the recommended 8 hours a night can be a lot easier said than done, with 1 in 3 of us suffering from insomnia.
So to help us tackle four major sleep issues, my teacher and friend, Taetske Kleijn, has filmed a set of classes called:
What to do if you can’t get to sleep because you can’t ‘stop’ thinking. Or when you wake up in the middle of the night and your mind is racing – thinking about anything and everything.
What to do if fear of not being in control when you sleep is preventing you from relaxing. This is a natural instinct and relates to so many aspects of our lives, not just sleep.
What to do if your sleep rhythm is disturbed. Maybe you have no control over when you can sleep due to shift work, jet lag and so on. You’ll also learn how to get the benefits of a good night’s rest even when you can’t sleep.
For each sleep issue, we recommend you watch the talk first and then do the practice. You can repeat the practice as many times as you like.